Monday, March 27, 2006


Welcome Xenophobes

(Please read the disclaimer first)

Welcome to Xenophobia! First things first. If you're not from America, then F- off, you're not wanted here. Go on, scoot. No I'm serious, leave now. Are we all set, good, wonderful. Well, now that It's just me and my fellow Americans I'll get to my explanation of what the heck this blog is all about.

Terrorist attacks, illegal immigration, dodgy truck drivers, you've seen it all, right here in your country. And you know who is to blame for corrupting your country, foreigners. You know that's why, but you won't admit it, you can't. You've been raised in a society where it is socially unacceptable to ridicule those who are destroying your country. You'd be too afraid, afraid of being ridiculed yourself, perhaps jailed for a hate-crime. In the back of your head you know you fear and despise foreigners, so why not just admit it? Why not just proudly admit you're a xenophobe? Why not? What are you afraid of? Other countries? That's why, whether you admit it or not, are a xenophobe. So you take your pick. Proudfully admit your xenophobia, or end up with an ulcer. It's your choice. Do you fear or hate certain other countries? Do you see certain other countries as inferior to your own? Are you getting tired of immigration altogether, even legal? If you said yes, then you're a xenophobe! If you know you are one, why keep denying it? Stand up for your beliefs you xenophobe!

With that said, some of you will dismiss me as a hateful bigot. To those who think that I say, screw you Commie! You're no better than the Canadians who had to leave after the first paragraph! Shoo I say. Others of course will obsorb my reasoning, maybe not quite accept it, but are willing to read on. To those, I say welcome to a new beginning. A day where your mind has been opened to a new way of thinking. To those I say thank you, you are the Americans I respect.

As for my actual writings, I plan on writing a nice big piece once a week, on Saturday maybe. For these posts I will target a single country and ridicule it in every way and explain why this country should not be supported. Of course I will write other posts about whatever is on my mind, all having to do with other countries, and what's wrong with them. I plan on doing fun things like top 10 lists, and I'll even pick up some current events. But it's the weekly posts you'll want to look out for.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to writing this blog and I hope you all will plan on reading it too. See you all soon!

Aw see now you'll make the liberals go, SEE! Republicans are bigots!!! without them reading the disclaimer.

(10 bucks says that dervish is the first one to qoute this site as an arguement against you.)

Anyway, as long as you don't get crazy people this blog should work.
DarkSaturos said...
"Aw see now you'll make the liberals go, SEE! Republicans are bigots!!! without them reading the disclaimer."

Oh well, screw them. If they don't want to read the disclaimer then it's their own problem. But I'll be honest I was serious when I said something about getting tired of legal immigration. Not that I support isolationism, I'm just sick of us letting in people who don't even like out country.

"(10 bucks says that dervish is the first one to qoute this site as an arguement against you.)"

I'm staying out of this bet, Robby!

"Anyway, as long as you don't get crazy people this blog should work."

It'll all be in good fun. If I ever appear angry, it's because I'm using satire. I always wanted to see if I could be more radical than Michael Savage.

Anyways, yeah, I'm looking forward to this blog. I've been just yearnin' to do some humour.
Tonight you can expect me to be doing research on country-wide stereotypes to prepare myself, I'll also come out with a Xenophobia glossary so I can have my own jargon. It'll be great...
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